Are you concerned about a loved one you think or know is in the throes of an addiction (or any other mental health issue, i.e., behavioral or emotional instability, psychosis, depression…)?
Are you facing a crisis and you don’t know what to say or do? Feeling powerless? Standing by helplessly watching someone you love spiraling down, destroying their lives and relationships?
Usually the family doesn’t seek help until the problems have progressed and reached crisis proportions in an atmosphere of silence and avoidance. An intervention is an opportunity to have full on conversations about the pink elephants in the room that had been long since avoided.
The family comes together in a concerted and coordinated effort to express love and support to get their loved one to seek the help they need to get their lives back on track. It’s a tightly structured process that can take several hours to complete, sometimes over the course of days, that shines light on the denial and breaks the code of silence that had perpetuated the addiction.
The family members are given the time and space to begin talking about their feelings towards their loved one, their most painful memories, how they and their relationships with their loved one have been impacted, and to rehearse what they will have to say to their loved one in support of their seeking the help they need after the intervention. Afterwards, the loved one is given the space to respond to what was said and heard.
Feel free to set up a brief time for us to assess your situation and next action steps.
My work with those struggling with addiction and are on a path of recovery is based on The Relationship Model of Addiction (TRMA) TM and is the title of the book that was released and I wrote, The Relationship Model of Addiction, A New Paradigm for Understanding Addiction and Recovery.
Addiction is a symptom of the human condition. TRMA is based on the way I break humanity down to two kinds of people; those who get their emotional needs met and those that don’t, and who are driven by either one of two basic needs; our need for connection and love, and our need to relieve the pain from unmet needs or lack of nourishment.
An addiction is not a disease. It is a relationship with a means of relief of pain from unmet emotional needs.”
The relationship that develops with a means of relief is akin to carrying on an all-consuming secret love affair, so consuming that it becomes the primary relationship, and it becomes impossible to develop other competing relationships, when all other relationships are rendered secondary and have very little sway in the addict’s life.
Recovery as a lifelong transitional journey out of non-nourishing dependency-based relationships and into nourishing and Self-based ones, and that occurs in a three-stage sequence Creating Emotionally Nourishing.
The cause is the cure. Relationships, past and current, that fail to provide adequate emotional nourishment is the spawning ground of addiction, while the creation of nourishing relationships spells the end of the addiction. The addiction naturally extinguishes itself when there is no longer the backlog of pain and need to relieve that pain that drove the addiction.
TRMA applies to addiction in general and all other addictions including substance dependency, porn and sex addiction, compulsive gambling, many food addictions, like emotional eating or compulsive overeating, as well as codependency.
“All of the work I do is about empowering the transformation of relationships by developing the relationship with your Self; and elevating consciousness, increasing connectability, and igniting creativity along the way.”
Daniel is a “self and relationship based therapist” who has 35+ years of experience working with individuals, couples and families. He’s a “self and relationship-based therapist” and addiction specialist whose eclectic and integrative approach incorporates mindfulness-based principles and practices; cognitive behavioral and systems therapy; existential, phenomenological psychology and communication skills building, into his work. The Miracle of Connection is an essential navigation tool for those on a transitional journey out of unhealthy, non-nourishing relationships and into healthy nourishing ones.