The most common cause for relationship breakdown and discord is the backlog of unexpressed feelings and unresolved issues that fail to get the airtime they need, that over time become an impassable wedge of disconnection that usually requires clinical intervention to bridge.
Relationship therapy is where the couple begins having conversations to bridge the gap of disconnection between. I am a “facilitator of conversations” in which the issues and feelings that have long since been avoided get addressed. Getting through these difficult conversations invariably leads to greater understanding, deeper connection, and sense of closeness.
Now my primary focus and specialization is working with couples and families in which their broken, discordant and disconnected relationships are in need of repair and healing. My experience has shown me that the primary cause of relationship breakdown is the backlog of unexpressed feelings and unresolved issues that fail to get the airtime they need and creates a wedge of disconnection that can’t get crossed without a clinical intervention.
I facilitate the conversations that need to be had, that dissolve the wedge that kept them from connecting. I call them pink elephant conversations. (No one ever talks about the pink elephant in the middle of the living room.) When the backlog of unexpressed feelings and unresolved issues finally get talked about, the wedge of disconnection that kept them from connecting suddenly dissolves. When two people are able to talk things through and understand each other better, they come away feeling closer and more connected to each other.