Family therapy is for families who wish to restore the flow of connection, who long to feel closer and more connected, and include all inner circle people and relationships between partners, lovers, parents, parents and children, siblings, extended family and friends.
Family therapy is also for parents, children or siblings who wish to repair their broken, discordant or disconnected relationships with each other and to begin opening up lines of communication.
What people who’ve sought family therapy had said,
“I find myself locked into age-old parent-child dynamics and am hoping the day comes when we could just be ourselves with each other and relate adult to adult.”
“There’s a disconnect between us. A wedge of ice that hadn’t thawed. At some point, we just stopped talking to each other. There’s lots of anger and hurt. A lot of shit happened that we never talked about.”
“I know there is a lot more love in our hearts for each other than actually gets expressed or felt.”
“I wish there was a way to change how we are with each other.”
Family therapy is also for parents who wish to be healthy relationship role models for their children and see them create healthy nourishing relationships for themselves as they grow as children into adulthood.